“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing into everlasting life.”

John 4:14

Our name is loaded with clues to who we are and what our passion is. In traditional communities, a river, water pump or well signified a place where people met together, shared, and talked – often informally, about their daily lives.

In our modern culture and community, TheWELL will serve as a place of refreshing, exchange, restoration, and empowerment.


Pastor Natron Curtis is the Founder/Lead Pastor of the TheWELL, a new trans-generational ministry for those seeking a safe environment to explore faith, find restoration, and experience an authentic encounter with God.  Pastor Curtis, a success strategist, who expertly navigates the seemingly disconnected worlds of politics, faith, and music, lives to transcend limitations by helping people see the possibilities in impossibilities.

Pastor Curtis, an Alachua County native, is honored to love and lead TheWELL alongside his wife Kenyata since 1995.  They have four children: Natron II, Cameron, Neziah and Camille.


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